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  • Desti Nurdianti ITBA Dian Cipta Cendikia
  • Astrini Swarastuti ITBA Dian Cipta Cendikia
  • aprilia . ITBA Dian Cipta Cendikia
Keywords: English, Listening Comprehension


The objective of this study was to find out students’ problems in Listening Comprehension at the Tenth Grade of SMK N 4 Bandar Lampung. This study used qualitative research methods by describing and analyzing the results of the research. The writer used interview as the primary data source and documentation as secondary data source. The results of this study problems that affect students' listening comprehension in English, namely the teaching Method, Surrounding Environment, use of daily language, Lack of mastery of English vocabulary, understanding of English word, and Low learning motivation. Found several problems that affect students' interest in listening comprehension in English, namely, Listening for Teaching methods, Listening for Surrounding environment, Listening for Use of daily language, Listening for Lack of mastery of English vocabulary, Listening for Understanding of English word, and Low motivation to learn


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How to Cite
Nurdianti, D., Swarastuti, A., & ., aprilia. (2023). AN ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS’ PROBLEMS IN LISTENING COMPREHENSION AT THE TENTH GRADE OF SMK N 4 BANDAR LAMPUNG. Journal Lingua Cendikia, 2(1), 1-14. Retrieved from