Illustration Bank Cards Expand Students’ Vocabulary

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  • Astirini Swarastuti Institut Teknologi Bisnis dan Bahasa Dian Cipta Cendikia
  • Desti Nurdianti Institut Teknologi Bisnis dan Bahasa Dian Cipta Cendikia
  • Ayu Aliffa Ramadhanti Institut Teknologi Bisnis dan Bahasa Dian Cipta Cendikia
Keywords: illustration bank cards; vocabulary; experimental group.


Nowadays, vocabulary is still the basic competence which should be mastered by students to be able to learn English both oral or written. The situation faced by SMK Satu Nusa 2 students who do not have enthusiasm for learning English is no different. To solve this problem, this research was carried out to find out wheatear Illustration Bank Cards able to foster students' enthusiasm for learning to expand their English vocabulary. The subjects of the research are tenth grade students of SMK Satu Nusa 2 Bandar Lampung which divided into two groups (Control group and experimental group). Both of the groups consist of 30 students which selected by simple random sampling. Experimental group will be gotten treatment of Illustration Bank Cards while control group did not get the treatment. The data analysed by using t test toward the two samples which got different treatment. The result showed that the score of t-test was 12.16. It meant that Illustration Bank Cards expand the students’ vocabulary and enhanced their enthusiasm in learning English.


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How to Cite
Swarastuti, A., Nurdianti, D., & Aliffa Ramadhanti, A. (2023). Illustration Bank Cards Expand Students’ Vocabulary. Journal Lingua Cendikia, 2(1), 15-21. Retrieved from